segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2018


Resultado de imagem para Grenzkommando band

The Border Troops of the German Democratic Republic, in German Grenztruppen der DDR, were a military force of the GDR and the primary force guarding the Berlin Wall and the border between East and West Germany. The Border Troops numbered at their peak approximately 47,000 troops. Except the Soviet Union, no other Warsaw Pact country had such a large border guard force.
The border guards were responsible for many deaths at the Berlin Wall. At least 29 border guards were killed in the line of duty.

GRENZKOMMANDO is a German band from the city of Dresden, capital of Saxony, Germany. Members : 

Feldmarschall Helmut Strasser  (grido di battaglia);
Rittmeister Fritz Hochlang  (artigliera pesante);
Oberst Ian Fröster  (apparato di propaganda).
Resultado de imagem para Grenzkommando band
Their music is a Harsh EBM very dark and strong with distorted beats,acid synths,agressive and distorted voices. The lyrics are hard and joke about taboos and controversial themes.

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